It saddens me to see what is happening in America today. Okay as a teenager, I helped a guy out on his farm once building fences. His son brought me to his bedroom, pulled out a box, showing all sorts of Nazi paraphernalia. A bit disgusting, but no great alarm. I as a progressive had no illusions of jack-booted marchers coming down the streets tearing up shops, burning synagogues, taking people to concentration camps. No, just one deluded soul enamored by a society that had brought so much mayhem.
Now though, there is ample cause for concern. For the record, I’m Jewish, transgender, lesbian. The embrace of fascism (or Christian Nationalism, Nazism was a Christian Nationalist state lest we forget) by a major political party is on display for all to see. Conspiracy theories abound, antisemitism confronts us at every turn, transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny are being written into law in state after state. There was the attack on our capitol on January 6. 4 years ago, we saw the worse antisemitic attack in American history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburg. Antisemitism is increasing at every turn on the right, but tragically increasingly on the left as well. A few years ago, trans murders were in the low 20’s, but last year and this, they have doubled. Just last night someone broke into Nancy Pelosi’s house looking for her and attacking her husband. Democratic lawmakers increasingly are getting death threats.
I heard today that the Department of Justice has issued an alert fearing possible violence at the polls. How do I feel about all that’s going on?
I’M ANGRY AS HELL ABOUT IT. Around the world, democracies are in peril. I look at folks like Putin, and their embrace of fascism and the number of people in America, Republicans, who increasingly look to him as their ideal. Our former president who virtually salivated in the presence of the likes of a Putin or Kim Jong Un. These extremists in America have their own news sources, and with the new owner of Twitter, an outlet for their propaganda.
I know this. If you are a refugee, a black or brown person, a Jew, a Muslim, a member of the LGBTQ plus community, a woman (unless you are one of the good ones who is subservient and obedient), then fascists will use you as a scapegoat. That is how they get and hold power. The more power they get, the more they will attack.
I mentioned I’m Jewish. I’ve studied the history around the holocaust. More importantly, I’ve talked to people who survived, either by getting out in time, or enduring the horrors of those dark days. They tell me that it feels now, very similar to what it felt like in the months and years leading up to the Shoah. I believe them.
So, it is my prayer, that we do what we can. This election means EVERYTHING! I believe deeply our very democracy is at stake. I have already voted, and I hope every thinking man and woman does the same. I’ve spent seventy-five years living in a democracy. Please do not let it end now. We must not fear, but we must prevail. Jessica Wicks 10-29-22